Specify which window to use as "other"

There are several useful function that allows one to scroll another window without changing to that window, for example, M-C-v and M-C-S-v. The problem is that when you have more that 2 windows it is not very helpful since the other window may not be the windows you want to scroll.


The following function allows you to select which of the windows in the current frame you want to use as other window. Simple call the interactive function set-other-window and select which windows should be treated as the other window. You can go back the the previous behavior with the function automatic-other-window-selection

(defun set-other-window-func(&optional arg)
  "set the other window"
  (unless arg (setq arg nil))
  (message "arg=%s" arg)
  (if arg
      (setq other-window-scroll-buffer
	      (get-buffer arg))
	  ((window_names (mapcar (lambda (w) (buffer-name (window-buffer w)))
	   (cwindow (list (buffer-name (window-buffer))))
	   (windows_names_filt (cl-set-difference window_names cwindow))
	 (message "windows_names_filt: %s" windows_names_filt)
	 (setq other-window-scroll-buffer
		 (get-buffer (completing-read "Select other window: " windows_names_filt)))

(defun set-other-window()
  "set other windows to selected window"

(defun automatic-other-window-selection()
  "Return the default behavior of other window"
  (setq other-window-scroll-buffer nil)


Fred Gruber
Fred Gruber
Senior Principal Scientist

My research interests include causal inference, Bayesian networks, causal discovery, machine learning.